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Marriott Mug Bucket 2008

Draycote Water Sailing Club

Final Results


Sailed:6, Discards:2, To count:4, Entries:15, Scoring system:Appendix A
Rank SailNo Helm Crew R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Nett
1st 14064 Bob Morris Paul Butler 4 1 (16 DNC) 1 (8) 5 35 11
2nd 14446 John Taylor John Thorpe/Jim Reed 1 4 (16 DNC) (10) 4 3 38 12
3rd 14870 James Wood Peter Wood (8) 2 2 2 (10) 6 30 12
4th 14322 Ian McWhinnie Maria Boyle/Richard Denby 5 7 (16 DNC) (9) 3 2 42 17
5th 14891 Helen Salisbury Paul Roe (16 DNF) (16 DNF) 3 4 6 4 49 17
6th 11049 Jane Collison Pat Collison 7 9 1 (16 DNC) 5 (16 DNC) 54 22
7th 14326 Richar Glen Beatrix Osborne (16 DNC) (16 DNC) 16 DNC 7 1 1 57 25
8th 14285 Colin Snowdon Karen Hiles/Mike Deane 3 3 (16 DNC) 3 (16 DNC) 16 DNC 57 25
9th 14818 Pete Badham Alex 6 5 (16 DNC) 6 (9) 8 50 25
10th 14705 John Tenney Tom Vian (16 DNC) (16 DNC) 16 DNC 8 7 7 70 38
11th 14184 David Hiam Helen Hiam (16 DNC) (16 DNC) 16 DNC 5 2 16 DNC 71 39
12th 11 Mike Shreeve B.Underline 9 8 (16 DNC) (16 DNC) 16 DNC 16 DNC 81 49
13th 14716 Paul Anthony Quentin Hayes 2 (16 DNC) (16 DNC) 16 DNC 16 DNC 16 DNC 82 50
14th 14659 Pete Muggleton Jane/Quentin (16 DNF) 6 (16 DNC) 16 DNC 16 DNC 16 DNC 86 54
15th 14336 Dave Bevan Nick Smith (16 DNF) (16 DNC) 16 DNC 16 DNC 16 DNC 16 DNC 96 64

Scoring codes used

DNCDid not come to the starting area16
DNFStarted but did not finish16

Sailwave Scoring Software 1.95 Build 6