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Winship Cup 2024

Draycote Water Sailing Club

Interim Results to 7th July 2024


Sailed: 9, Discards: 5, To count: 4, Entries: 9, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank SailNo Fleet HelmName CrewName 31/03 07/04 14/04 21/04 28/04 05/05 12/05 09/06 23/06 30/06 07/07 Total Nett
1st 15042 Gold Peter Wood Richard Bailey, Steve Digby (10 DNC)   (2) (10 DNC) (10 DNC) (10 DNC) 1 2   1 1 47 5
2nd 14778 Gold Mike Deane Paul Disney, Karen Hiles (10 DNC)   1 (3) 1 (10 DNC) (3) 1   2 (10 DNC) 41 5
3rd 15127 Silver Simon, Emily, Mike Deane Richard Botting (4 DNF)   (10 DNC) 1 2 1 (10 DNC) (5)   (10 DNC) 2 45 6
4th 14891 Silver Bob Morris Paul Roe, Matt Blaclmur 2   (10 DNC) (4) (10 DNC) 3 2 4   (10 DNC) (5 DNF) 50 11
5th 15056 Silver Colin Snowdon Karen Hiles, Bryan Underdown, Paul Disney (10 DNC)   (3) 2 (3) (10 DNC) (10 DNC) 3   3 3 47 11
6th 14883 Silver Jon Hughes Nick Lewis, Claire Hixon 1   (10 DNC) (10 DNC) (10 DNC) 2 4 (10 DNC)   (10 DNC) 10 DNC 67 17
7th 14994 Silver Damian Abbatt Quentin Hayes (10 DNC)   4 (10 DNC) (10 DNC) (10 DNC) (10 DNC) 6   4 10 DNC 74 24
8th 14843 Silver Paul Anthony Quentin Hayes, Ben Paczek (10 DNC)   (10 DNC) (10 DNC) 4 (10 DNC) (10 DNC) 10 DNC   5 10 DNC 79 29
9th 14742 Silver F. Lomas-Clarke Sam Lomas (10 DNC)   (10 DNC) (10 DNC) 5 (10 DNC) (10 DNC) 10 DNC   10 DNC 10 DNC 85 35

2nd Race each Sunday from 31st March to 20th October inclusive. Number of races to count will be equal to 2/5 of the races scored rounded up to the nearest whole number.

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.29.0