December News

Join us on Sunday 15th December for our annual Club Member’s Christmas Party!

Remember, this is not just for kids or families, it’s a fun festive afternoon for ALL members!

🎄Invite your friends and family to join as well

🎄Kids enjoy a visit from Santa on his boat and a magician entertainer

🎄Santa hands out pressies (parents provide, max £10)

🎄Party buffet – please bring a plate/dish of party food

🎄Mulled wine and mince pies at the bar for adults

Online entry is now open for the Draycote Youth Open on 30th December:

The event is open to RS Tera, ILCA, Topper and Optimist sailors, aged 23 & under.

We’ll be running 2 courses and fleet starts – full event info and the NOR are now online.

The event is sponsored by Fernhurst Books who have a 30% offer for entrants & their parents – see poster image for details.

Club Regulations Updated

A new set of Club Regulations has been published and is available to see online HERE.

There are 3 areas of change:

  • To enable Young Person A parents to contribute more actively to the Club, we have created a new category of Volunteer Member (Regulations 2.3.5, 3.3.1, 3.5).
  • To meet the RYA’s new requirements for affiliated clubs we have formalised our disciplinary procedures (Regulations 7.4-7.7).
  • We have put the Switch on the list of permitted classes (Regulation 16.3).

Boxing Day – bar will be open 12pm – 3pm with minced pies and mulled wine being served.

New Year’s Day – the Pursuit Race series prizegiving will take place straight after racing and bar will be open 12:30pm – 6:30pm.

Noticeboard Area Revamp

With the Draycote Dash being postponed, we took the opportunity to get the outside noticeboard replaced and to spruce up the area.

We’ve simplified the notices on the board for clarity, added boarding to reduce spider hidey-holes (they’ll forever be our nemesis!), added lighting to brighten up the area, and freshened up the clipboard area with a lick of paint and new boards.

This is our primary noticeboard that is regularly updated so check here for any updates (news is also still shared on these emails).

Now this has been done, we’ll look at updating and/or removing other noticeboards around the Club.

Solo Fleet Update & Wednesday Sailing

Robin Warren has taken on the role of Fleet Captain for the Solo fleet. He’s keen to contact all the Club’s Solo owners and would like you to send your contact details to him at

There is an social sailing group on Wednesday’s which is relaxed, informal racing/cruising around a course and then in for a lunch time natter. This is mainly Solo sailors but other classes are very welcome too.

Sometimes the session is on a Thursday if the weather is more favourable and this is all organised via email at the beginning of each week.

If you would like to join this group, please either reply to this email and we’ll pass on your details, or email Robin directly as above.

There is also a Solo WhatsApp group, which is mostly used by the Sunday racers and is of a chatty nature. If you would like to take part in that then I can also get your number included in that group.

Contact us

Please complete the form below and a member of staff will get back in touch with you.

Check, Clean, Dry​

All visitors and Club members should follow the Check Clean Dry programme before bringing their craft to Draycote Water and when they take their craft away.