Late November News

Draycote Dash postponed

Due to the very high winds forecast, a decision has been made to cancel the Draycote Dash this weekend. It will now be hosted on the 4th & 5th January with details to be sent out in due course.

AGM follow-up

The minutes and slides from the recent AGM are now online for your perusal, as well as the response from the recent Membership Engagement project we ran.

Sailing talk with Jean-Luc Van Den Heede

Sailing talk with Jean-Luc Van Den Heede
Coming up this Monday 25th November, 7.00pm
Nearly 70 tickets have been booked already and there’s just a couple of days left to get yours for this exciting evening with one of the world’s greatest single-handed sailors, Jean-Luc Van Den Heede.

Here tales from his many adventures, including:

  • 6 circumnavigations of the globe with 5 podium places
  • Rounded Cape Horn 12 times
  • Winner of the Golden Globe Race
  • Plus, a World Record too!

The evening is ticketed but free for Draycote members:

Winter Boat Maintenance

Looking forward, it looks like the winter gales and poor weather will be arriving soon.

Each year we have problems in the boat park with boats being blown over, covers ruined and boats turning in to ponds for wildlife to live in, most of which could be avoided.

Naturally we are hopeful for some reasonable weather and keen to see people at the Club and sailing over the winter but preparing for winter could make the storage and using your boat easier.

Please make sure boats are tied down – both yours and the ones around it. Set up a quick and easy system to tie it down after each use with the right length, good condition ropes, consistent tie down points, props to keep the nose up, and whatever works for you and your boat.

Check covers are fitted correctly, with buckles done up, and supports in the boat if you know it collects water. Fit a new cover if it’s needed.

Remove sails and anything that will make a good mouse home.

These basics will protect both your boat and those around it.

Contact us

Please complete the form below and a member of staff will get back in touch with you.

Check, Clean, Dry​

All visitors and Club members should follow the Check Clean Dry programme before bringing their craft to Draycote Water and when they take their craft away.