
August newsletter

Welcome to this month’s newsletter to keep you up to date with what has been happening at the Club and what lies ahead.

Our Summer Sailing Courses for children have been running for the last couple of weeks and been really well received.  With our options of lunch and wrap around cover it is proving to be an appealing activity for the youngsters through out the summer holidays.

Forthcoming Events

  • We welcome the Solo Class celebrating their 60th anniversary at a special “vintage” regatta at Draycote 20th / 21st August.  Please see more on the following link Solo-60th-anniversary-event
  • At bit of an advanced warning, but to ensure that it is in your diary:
    The Club Regatta and Bart’s Bash will be held on Sunday 11th September. (This is a week before the “official” Bart’s Bash, but we have been given permission to hold our event a week early because of the Topper Open Meeting the following weekend).

    • In the morning, there will be an Average Lap race, using the normal fleet starts. In the afternoon there will be a 60-minute Pursuit Race as well as Jon Hughes’ excellent sailing obstacle race for the Youth & Juniors.
    • Prizes will be awarded to the first adult boat (counting both races) and the first Junior boat, counting just the morning race.
    • We have run this event for the last 2 years and it has been a really fun occasion with lots of people on the water, on the shore and having a good time! It would be great if you could join us. All standards of sailing ability are very welcome!
  • Get Racing
    Our ever popular Get Racing for newcomers to the dark arts of club racing runs again this coming Sunday 7th August.With its own start and a coach boat to help you find your way around the course and offer advice, there is no easier way to ease yourself into the fun and excitement of racing. All you need to do is just turn up on the patio, preferably rigged and changed, for a briefing at 10 a.m.

OOD Instructions
The racers among us will be familiar with the OOD Manual which provides all the information you need to know if you are on OOD duty. A problem has been that, while it is great to read before your duty, it is a bit too long to read on the day.

We have now produced a one-page OOD Checklist for use on the day to remind you of the key things you need to do, and a quick look-up guide so you can quickly find what you need in the manual. This is now at the front of the manual folder. We hope this will help the OODs.

Volunteers Needed
As usual, a plea for volunteers for a few things:

Saturday 13th August: Coventry Olympic Fanzone: The Club will have a stand at the free Olympic Fanzone in Coventry City Centre. There will be a big screen playing Olympic events (hopefully sailing) and lots of other Olympic related things, including a presence of various Olympic sports (which is why we are there). If you could help man the stand for a few hours, that would be a great help.

Saturday 19th, Sunday 20th November: Draycote Dash: This is the most prestigious adult sailing event that we run with an entry up to 130 boats. We need helpers on shore and on the water.

If you can help on either of these things, please let Jeremy Atkins know:

Dates for the diary
Saturday 13th August – Coventry Olympic Fanzone
Saturday 20th & Sunday 21st August – Solo 60th Anniversary Event
Monday 29th August – Onboard Shield Pursuit Race     Datum: 11:00 a.m.

Sunday 11th September –  Club Regatta and Bart’s Bash

Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th November – Draycote Dash

If you have any items that you would like mentioning in our future emails then please send details to

Enjoy your sailing!

Contact us

Please complete the form below and a member of staff will get back in touch with you.