
Club Premises Closed

We would like to thank our members who sailed over the weekend who acted responsibly by socially distancing, however today (23rd March) Severn Trent closed all its visitor sites to all events and activities, including watersports.

We are therefore closing the sailing club’s premises until further notice. Grafham and Rutland sailing clubs closed yesterday.

This, of course, does not mean that the sailing club is closing down because the sailing club is a members’ club and it is the members that make the club. We do hope that many of you have or will still renew your membership to help us survive these troubled times and ensure that we still have sailing club to come back to.

The committee cannot stress enough the importance of members renewing their membership and supporting the club since without members our members’ club will not continue.

The committee and staff are busy working on all avenues to reduce our expenditure, but we will continue to have costs and therefore need income.

However, racing can continue in the form of e-sailing and this is now available to clubs free of charge if we can find someone to organise it. Please contact Jeremy via the office if you wish to organise this on behalf of the club.

If you are not renewing your membership we would ask you to remove you boat and equipment (trailers, trolley) from the site at the first reasonable opportunity, although we appreciate this may now be after the crisis is over. However, if you want to remove your boat before then, please contact Dave Rowe by e-mail ( to make arrangements. The same applies to any continuing members who want to take their boats home to do work on them.

Please stay safe and we look forward to welcoming members back to our club premises as soon as we can.

The Committee

Contact us

Please complete the form below and a member of staff will get back in touch with you.