
Club Reopening

I am sure you were all as delighted as we were to hear the government’s plans for a slow exit from lockdown, and particularly the fact that outdoor sports facilities can open from 29th March.
We can confirm that your Club will be open from that date providing there are no delays to the government plans.
As you know, we have to follow both the government guidelines and those of our national governing body (the RYA). The detail of these is not available yet, but our plan is that, from 29th March we will be able to offer members the following on-the-water activities:

  • Casual sailing & windsurfing
  • Club racing
  • Training (including the Draycote Academy)
  • Youth Club

We also expect to be able to offer visitors / customers:

  • Junior (single-handed) RYA training
  • Regional open meetings
  • Regional training

The Clubhouse will remain closed, except for toilets for which there will be a one-way system, masks must be worn and no more than 2 people in the toilet at any one time. Outdoor gatherings will be restricted to the rule of 6 or two households.

For the racers amongst you, we plan to make the most of this opening just before the Easter weekend and offer:

  • Wednesday evening racing from 31st March
  • A special event, the Good Friday Double, on 2nd April
  • Sunday racing from 4th April
  • Easter Monday Pursuit Race on 5th April.

(The exact details of these events will be given nearer the time.)
This first week’s events will be run by staff. From 7th April to the end of Step 2 (no earlier than 12th April), the racing will be run by volunteers. From the start of Step 2 (no earlier than 12th April), the racing will be run by those allocated to it on DutyMan.
We are working on our own roadmap out of lockdown and will be publishing that when it is agreed.
And don’t forget, your 2020/21 membership entitles you to free membership for the months of April and May – there is no need to renew your membership until 1st June and your direct debit will not be taken out in April & May! (Those who are wishing to make a donation to the Club to help us cover the £30k costs of these 2 months are very welcome to do so HERE.)
The Committee

Contact us

Please complete the form below and a member of staff will get back in touch with you.