
November News

STW Dam Project Update

We are pleased to say that stage 1 of the Hensborough dam works project is nearly complete in that Sailing Club (areas E&F) land has been resurfaced to make more usable areas which were previously too wet to use.

It’s worth remembering that it is a temporary surface for the period of works and we are currently talking to ST about the finished surface after the works completion. What is there now will take some time to bed in and harden off. There are some steep areas so please be cautious when parking cars. It may degrade in rain/frost but we will continue to work with Bentley, the onsite contractors, to maintain the areas. We hope all users will park in a space efficient and regimental manner to maximise the use of the area and we will try some different layouts which will help in deciding what the finished areas will look like.

The Club’s land (areas A&B) will be used for the construction site compound over the next 12 months but will have little impact on sailing and windsurf activities.

If you’re using the area during the week please be aware of the increased construction traffic. The circular route of the reservoir is now closed and access is restricted to works traffic and sailing club members only.

We’ll continue to keep you all updated as regularly as possible.

Site Groundworks

The new concrete for the FF15 slipway has partially been laid. We’re due another delivery tomorrow which will be the final load for this area.

We will then turn our attention to the tarmac area by the RIBs & fuel store which is breaking up and will be replaced with concrete.

Draycote Dash

Congratulations to Richard Pye for winning the Draycote Dash, the first time a home boat has won.

Many thanks also to Jeremy Atkins for running the Draycote Dash as event director for many years. This was his final year and he hands the reins to Richard Botting.

The full report is online.

All members of all ages are invited to our annual Family Christmas Party on Sunday 11th December, from 2.45pm. Bring along your families, friends, neighbours etc, it’s a great afternoon!

We’ll have a magician/entertainer, music, bar open, mulled wine & mince pies, buffet for kids (bring a plate), before the big moment when Santa arrives by boat!

The tickets are free, please bring a present (up to £10) for your child for Santa to hand out.

Tickets and food list are now available in the shop.

Contact us

Please complete the form below and a member of staff will get back in touch with you.