
June Newsletter

Summer’s here at last!!  Here’s what’s coming up in our June mailchimp:

New Committee members / Directors
Soul Sailor Endurance Race and Camp out
Get Racing Gets Going Again
Successful Open Day
Forthcoming events

New Committee members / Directors
We are delighted to announce that Christine Silver and Neil Murray have been co-opted to the Committee and are already making a contribution to the running of the Club. We are very grateful to them for volunteering to serve the members in this way.

Soul Sailor Endurance Race and Camp out on Friday 9th June
This is a team event – teams will be formed on the night. Each team has to get a Pico around the course, swapping team members throughout the race. Use of water pistols etc is allowed and rumour has it that the Phantom Flan Flinger may be making a return visit… You may guess that this is not the most serious of races!  Afterwards there will be a bring your own BBQ, and then those who wish to camp for the night can do so. As evening turns to night, it is not unusual for a water fight to break out, so make sure you have plenty of spare dry clothes! Get there early to bag a prime spot for your tent- Race starts at 6:30pm with the briefing beforehand.

Get Racing Gets Going Again
The coached Get Racing is happening again on Sunday 7th June. Briefing at 10.15am. Club boats available free of charge (for the first three outings this year). Don’t forget there is a Youth & Novice start for the first race every Sunday (Start 6) counting towards a monthly mini-series with prizes presented at the Get Racing the following month.

Successful Open Day
As you may have heard by now, we had a very successful Open Day, with more than 350 visitors of all ages taking to the water, either dinghy sailing or windsurfing. On the day, more than 50 people signed up for Taster Sessions and courses and several more joined as members.

None of this could have been achieved without the commitment and enthusiasm of club members volunteering to help in all the different roles required to make the day go smoothly. So a big thank you to all who helped.

We have had good coverage in the local media before and after and there is a report on Y&Y as well. Draycote Water Sailing Club packed with visitors on Open Day

Forthcoming events:

17th June                   Race for Life 10:30am start  *
17th & 18th June        RS Feva Inlands  *

* The Club and car park will be very busy during this weekend particularly the Saturday.

If you have anything you would like to include in any of our future Mailchimp emails then please send details to

Happy sailing!

Contact us

Please complete the form below and a member of staff will get back in touch with you.