
Covid update – Step 3

Dear Member

We have, finally, reached Step 3 in the government’s roadmap out of lockdown! The committee has agreed significant easing of restrictions and steps towards normality:

  • The changing rooms, wet bar and lounge bars will be open in a limited way with restrictions
  • Sunday racing will revert to a morning & afternoon race with 5 starts in the morning: Fireball, Flying Fifteen, Laser / ILCA, Menagerie, Aeros; 4 starts in the afternoon with Lasers going into Menagerie

The onshore rules are summed up in the poster below.

Please note the following:

The wet bar and lounge bar are open for take-away only (*more details below). The latest regulations allow take-away to be consumed at a table inside if the outlet does not serve alcohol, so this applies to purchases from the wet bar. However, purchases from the lounge bar must be consumed outside. Please respect this and take any lounge-bar purchases outside immediately.

The changing rooms remain restricted by social distancing regulations and only limited use is permitted with 1 person per marked out station. In terms of numbers of marked out stations, these are indicated on the changing room doors and are:

  • Female: 8 in larger area, 6 in smaller area: Total: 14
  • Male: 12 in main changing room, 8 in annex to that room, 6 in smaller changing room (including the 2 cubicles): Total: 26

Given these restrictions, please only use the changing rooms when you have to (we hope the majority of members will continue not to use them). We recommend use is restricted to post-sailing only. You should clean your station before and after use and remove your clothes & bags from the station when you leave. The windows will be open (please do not close them) & the air circulation will be on.

Usage of showers is restricted to the vulnerable.

We cannot allocate a member of staff to ensure these regulations for the changing rooms are observed, but it is vital that members follow them. If we become aware of significant breaches, we will simply have to shut the changing rooms. Please don’t ruin it for everyone else – follow these rules.

We hope these easing of restrictions and steps back to normality are welcome, but we don’t need to remind everyone that we are not back to normal yet and the basic behaviours that we have all got used to still apply:

  • Don’t visit the Club if there is any risk you have or are carrying COVID-19
  • Don’t visit the Club if you have been asked to self-isolate
  • Don’t visit the Club if you are ill
  • While at the Club, observe social distancing
  • Wear a face mask indoors
  • Follow the one-way system

DWSC Committee

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