
Early August News


Some may remember that in August 2018 the Committee published a 10 Year Development Plan for the Club. In the following 3 years we have managed to achieve many of the things in that Development Plan:

– Met and exceeded our target of increasing commercial income by £40k

– Set up our subsidiary trading company for our commercial activity

– Updated the Articles to reflect current company law & needs

– Secured a lease extension until 2035

– Created a training / hire boat replacement scheme

– Improved women’s changing rooms and greater flexibility with the changing room space (allowing us the adjust the balance between each gender’s capacity as required)
We are therefore issuing an updated Development Plan to take into account these achievements and set revised targets. You can find the updated Development Plan here.

The main challenge of getting our membership income back to 2009 levels remains. The main route to new members is through a pathway where we teach them to sail and, hopefully, get them hooked. The exit from lockdown means that our learn to sail courses are full this year and, hopefully, this will trickle through to increased membership in due course.

If you have any comments on the Development Plan, please talk to a Committee Member or e-mail the office.



There are a few Wednesday & Sunday club races coming up with either only 1 or no OD’s confirmed on DutyMan.  Can members respond to DutyMan emails and update as needed please.


It’s very exciting to look ahead and see events on the club calendar once again.  Here are a few coming up after the summer holidays:

Last Wednesday night racing – 25th August & 1st September are both 6.30pm start
Last Friday Y&J – Friday 3rd September
Last Women on Water – Monday 6th September
Phantom Open Meeting – Saturday 4th September
Youth & Junior Champs – Saturday 11th September
Finn Inlands & Europes – Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th September
Feva GP – Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th September


Just recovering from a fantastic National Schools Sailing Regatta. Our team came 3rd overall, a really fantastic effort. The sailing was a huge success, closely followed by Sarah’s cooking.  Well done to everyone who took part.

The racing highlights were a first for Ted Ball in the ILCA4, a first for Noah Byrd in his Oppie (who also won the Plymouth Salver for the best result of an under 12 sailor), a 4th for Sam Byrd in his ILCA6 and a 6th for Joe Rowe in his Topper. Ted and Sam did outstandingly well to come 3rd in the Mount Haes trophy sailing together for the first time.

A huge thank you to Emily Castle for looking after the kids and organising the adults!
The rookie fleet was ideal for any of our Saturday sailors.  Results and pictures here:

Next year is at Grafham water, somewhere coastal the year after and perhaps somewhat closer to home the year after that…

Contact us

Please complete the form below and a member of staff will get back in touch with you.