
We are one of the largest, most active Fleets at Draycote last year with 43 different helms taking part in Sunday Morning Race and 45 in the Wednesday Evening races.  On average there were 15 boats contesting the result on a Wednesday.

But it’s not only about racing in the Laser Fleet there’s a large number of the Laser sailors who don’t race.  No matter what your reason for wanting to sail a Laser at Draycote you’re more than welcome to share the water and camaraderie with everyone else in the Fleet.

To help you see if the Laser is the right boat for you, there are six boats that are owned and maintained by the Club and are available for hire by members, for more details on them please have a chat with any of the Safety, Training or Office team.

The Laser Fleet are found all together at the western side of the Boat Park which is a great place to catch up and seek advice from the more experienced members.

For those that do want to race for most of us it’s more about the sailing than the result, after all there can only be one winner!  But no matter what level of performance you are, you will always find someone to “have a tussle” with when on the water!

Race Results - 2024

Fleet Captain

Marcellus Pryor


Please use the form below to ask questions or send feedback to the Fleet Captain.

Fleet & Club Racing Events

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Laser Fleet Scoring For Club Series

There are 3 seasonal series as follows:

  1. Winter Series – The Sunday Morning race for those weekends shown as “Winter Series” on Dutyman.
  2. Summer Series – The Sunday Morning race for those weekends shown as “Summer Series” on Dutyman
  3. Wednesday Evening Series – For all races sailed on the Wednesday evening.

The Handicap Pursuit & Draycote Dash races will not count towards the series in which they occur.

For each of these series the number of races to count towards each boat’s series score will be a half the total number of races scored (defined in Rule 90.3 (a) – basically if at least one boat finishes) plus one.


The scoring for all these series will be:

  • The Low Point System will be used (points = to finishing place).
  • As Appendix A9: “a boat that came to the starting area but did not start, did not finish, retired after finishing or was disqualified shall be scored points for the finishing place one more than the number of boats that came to the starting area. A boat that did not come to the starting area shall be scored points for the finishing place one more than the number of boats entered in the series.”
  • When there is a requirement to do so, boats that do not sign on or off will be treated as DNC (did not compete).
  • If there is a series-score tie between two or more boats, Appendix A8.1 (as amended here) will be used to separate them: “each boat’s race scores shall be listed in order of best to worst, and at the first point(s) where there is a difference the tie shall be broken in favour of the boat(s) with the best score(s)”. Appendix A8.1 is amended to include all races in the series – no scores will be excluded.
  • If a tie remains between two or more boats, Appendix A8.2 will be used to separate them: “they shall be ranked in order of their scores in the last race. Any remaining ties shall be broken by using the tied boats’ scores in the next to last race and so on until all ties are broken. These scores shall be used even if some of them are excluded scores.”

Contact us

Please complete the form below and a member of staff will get back in touch with you.

Check, Clean, Dry​

All visitors and Club members should follow the Check Clean Dry programme before bringing their craft to Draycote Water and when they take their craft away.