
Y&J News

Hello everyone!

After an enforced winter break of 3 months, we can finally get back out on the water. At last, you can try out all that great new sailing kit you got for Christmas! Sailing starts again this week and there is plenty of club racing over the Easter weekend. In the early stages of re-opening, changing rooms, wet bar and bar remain closed, so come prepared, and remember that at this time of year, even if the weather is warm and sunny, the water remains on the chilly side.
For the latest information on club opening, keep an eye on the website.We now have a calendar of Youth & Junior events.  A copy is attached HERE and also available from our fleet Facebook page. Please bear in mind that all events are run against a background of covid restrictions, so do check before travelling that events are still happening as advertised. For club-based activities, the best way to keep bang up to date is to join our Facebook group here: So, what’s going on? 
Friday night short course racing
Starting on 9th April.  In a similar format to last year, with a series of short races, the last of which is scored on handicap to count towards a series. Initially, we will not be able to light the BBQs, but hopefully as restrictions ease, we can all break out the sausages again. First start is 6:30pm, so arrive in time to rig and launch. Cost £2.50 with own boat, or £7.50 to hire a club boat.

Saturday Club

Starting on 8th May with 10:30am launch.  We were very disappointed not to be able to run this last year, but we are back in action for 2021! Further details on the format will be released in the near future, as we will need to adjust our normal activities a little to accommodate Covid requirements.  Cost £2.50 with own boat, or £7.50 to hire a club boat.

Northamptonshire Youth Series

The eagle eyed amongst you will spot that we are not actually in Northamptonshire, but we are happy to be joining this series with our next door neighbours. This is a combined training and race series with the emphasis on fun! The series is for all abilities, from the very inexperienced to the better sailor. Draycote is getting involved this year for the first time.  There is a hotly contested club prize and many individual ones, and the emphasis is on having a go rather than winning.  The format is always training in the morning and racing in the afternoon. The opening event will be held at Draycote on 15th May, which means there will be no Youth Club on this day.

Dates and venues for the series are as follows:

Saturday 15th May – Draycote 

Saturday 19th June – Hollowell 

Saturday 10th July – Banbury 

Saturday 14th August – Northampton 

Sunday 5th September – Cransley 

We will be providing support at the events away from the club, including boat transport (limited trailer spaces available).These are our headline events for the start of the season. There is a lot more going on – please check out the calendar and keep an eye out for new editions.  As the general picture changes with the hoped for easing of covid regulations, we plan to add more things to our calendar.

Volunteers wanted!

We are extremely fortunate at Draycote that we a great team of staff, but the Y&J fleet relies heavily on volunteers to function. If you are interested in helping out in any capacity, please get in touch, you can contact Dave at the club or get in touch with Jon Hughes, fleet captain. If you have coaching or instructor experience, we would be especially pleased to hear from you. 

To those of you who already help… a big thank you for your continuing support!

And now, the big news…. We have saved the best until last:

We are delighted to announce that Draycote is going to have a Junior Commodore and Junior Committee.  

Youth and Junior members aged 8 and upwards will be able to stand for election to either be the commodore or support the commodore by joining the junior committee.  Ordinarily the election will take place before the club’s annual general meeting in November.  But, for this first year, we’ll elect the commodore and committee as soon as we can.  If you are keen to be our first commodore or sit on the first committee,  or want to find out more about these exciting new roles, please let Jon (Youth and Junior fleet captain) or Norman (rear commodore sail) know.  You’ll have a huge say in developing and organising youth and junior sailing at Draycote.  You’ll get to report to the committee, write reports for Yachts and Yachting and the commodore will be the first name on the new Junior Commodore board in the club house.  Only the youth and junior members will be able to vote.  Up to 4 people can sit on the committee.  Over to you!

That is all for now… hoping to see you out on the water very soon!

Jon Hughes
DWSC Youth & Junior Fleet Captain

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