
Y&J Summer Events

We hope everyone has settled in the the sailing season and managing to get some time on the water. We had a fantastic start to the year with the Friday evening racing and BBQ being very popular on and off the water. Saturdays have seen very encouraging numbers getting out enjoying the sailing and trying new boats.

We hosted a Junior Discover Sailing Day with the Y&J sailors in charge. They showed just how to promote your sport and club in a very positive and fun way so we look forward to welcoming many of the guest sailors back on to courses over the summer months.

Things at the club are starting to get very busy now and that brings many opportunities to get out on the water. Below is the Y&J calendar but we would like to highlight some of the favourites in date order.

Northampton Youth Series

This Saturday we start the campaign to retain our title as Best Team in the Northamptonshire Youth Series!

We are hosts for round one and welcome all our Y&J sailors to get involved. This is a fantastic, entry level series and a friendly welcome to racing. A mix of a mornings coaching and an afternoon of supported racing makes for a great day on the water.

There’s no youth club this Saturday so please sign up for the event which is like a bumper youth club style day on the water!

Club boats are free of charge for the event, so it’s only £15 registration for a day of fun, some racing, some food and cake to finish the day.
Pre entry below (will save time form filling on Saturday morning).

Plan for the day:

  • 9.15am boats rigged and wetsuits on
  • Welcome and brief from the coaches
  • Launch for mornings training in groups
  • Practice race
  • Lunch (wet bar open)
  • Brief from the race team explaining how it works and answering any questions.
  • Launch for 3 races back to back

Prize giving, food and cake at round 4pm. 

British Youth Sailing Regional Junior Championships! 

Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th June

This two-day event is a full weekend of fun activity, and there is something for everyone from rookies to experience racers. At Draycote we are hosts to Optimist, Topper, Tera and Feva sailors, as well as the entry level Regatta fleet and beginner Onboard fleet.

This is a qualifier for the RYA winter regional training teams, and the RYA pull out all the stops to make this a very special regatta for all.

Find out more at: 
Entry’s now open at

Soul Sailor team endurance race and camp out

Friday 1st July

Join us the best fun evening of the year! On arrival everybody is invited into a team, where the aim is to sail as many laps of a pre-set course, changing crew on each lap on the pontoon. Other team members, when not sailing their lap, are armed with water balloons and super soakers trying to slow down the change overs down by giving them a good drenching!

After the racing it’s BBQ time and brave parents will camp out with their juniors for a great nights sleep!

Youth & Juniors Calendar

There are lots of events going on throughout the year that are suitable for Y&J’s.  Here’s a calendar of dates for you.

Youth & Junior Clothing

We will be taking orders in the very near future for new hoodies and T-Shirts. Keep your eyes peeled around the club and on Facebook. As soon as everything is finalised, we will make an announcement and you can place your orders.

Keeping in touch

Please keep an eye on the website and join the Youth and Junior Facebook group for the news and announcements as they happen.

We hope to see you at the club very soon.

Contact us

Please complete the form below and a member of staff will get back in touch with you.