
Phase 4b

Despite the best efforts of Covid-19 to restrict us, it has been great to see such a lot of activity at the Club:

  • Good numbers in club racing on Wednesdays and Sundays
  • The first pursuit race of the season which was well-attended
  • Summer sailing courses going well for kids
  • Numerous coaching groups improving their skills
  • Youth & Junior Friday nights active again
  • More double-handers out sailing

And there’s more coming up with:

  • Two more pursuit races in August (Sunday 16th pm and Monday 31st am)
  • Laser Open Meeting on Saturday 8th August (pre-entry only)

However, as it appears that we are getting closer to normal, there has been a bit too much relaxation of some behaviour with regard to the government and our own guidelines. As we are now in Phase 4b of our opening, can we remind you, for all our sakes:

  • Don’t visit the Club if any risk you have or are carrying COVID-19 or have been asked to self-isolate
  • Don’t visit the Club if you are ill
  • Arrive changed, ready to sail & leave in sailing clothes; don’t use toilets to change in
  • Follow the one-way system in the clubhouse
  • Only 2 people at a time in toilets
  • Observe social distancing: outside same household / bubble: 2 metres / 1 metre plus with mitigations
  • Wear face coverings in the waterside reception / shop (also recommended generally inside)

These aren’t optional behaviours, they are vital if we are going to keep our site safe for us all. With test & trace, there is a real chance that if one of us tests positive, the rest of us will all have to self-isolate for 2 weeks – whether we have caught it or not, and the Club will face expenditure for a deep clean. So please stay safe yourselves and keep your fellow members safe.

We have also updated the poster for Phase 4b:

The Road Map and Risk Assessment have also been updated and can be found here

The RYA guidelines for sailing double-handed boats are here:

Contact us

Please complete the form below and a member of staff will get back in touch with you.