
September Update


In the light of the current relaxation of restrictions, we’ve taken down all the Covid signage at the Club. However, please make sure we are all still Covid Conscious. We will continue to:

  • Recommend avoiding the changing rooms where possible
  • Ask that showers are only used in emergencies
  • Recommend the use of (and provide) sanitiser when entering the building
  • Keep the building well ventilated (please do not close the windows)

If restrictions are imposed again, the signage will return, and we will require members to follow the restrictions.


The Club’s Annual General Meeting will be on Wednesday 3rd November. The Committee have decided that this will be a hybrid meeting. The meeting will take place at the clubhouse, but members will be able to join online. Those who join online will only be able to contribute via typing, but they will be able to vote on any motions that go to a vote. More details will be circulated in early October.
At the AGM the elections to the Committee will take place. While the majority of the current Committee have indicated that they will stand again, 3 have indicated that they will not be standing again. It is important that the Committee represents all aspects of the Club, so if you would like to consider standing for the Committee, please speak to any current Committee member, or Dave Rowe. You need to find a proposer and seconder and complete a nomination form. Nominations open on 6th October and close on 20th October.


We are still in need of a chef to get the wet bar back up and running fully.

And we’re also on the lookout for new bar staff as Lydia and Flynn have gone off to uni.  In the meantime, the bar will be ran by staff so please bear with us especially on busier weekends.

If you know anyone looking for weekend work, please do pass their details to Dave.

Contact us

Please complete the form below and a member of staff will get back in touch with you.